FBA home screen in macbook frame

French Broad Adventures

Over the past five years, there have been many small updates, additions, and fixes to the FBA website. Their plans to unveil their newest instructional service on the website revealed that there were also many opportunities to improve accessibility, mobile display, and overall user experience for quicker conversions. Instead of continuing to patch the existing site, they re-engaged with Status Forward for a complete overhaul.

My Role

Visual Design
Webflow Development


Marisa Falcigno
Laurel Scherer
Leah Quintal

The Challenge

Our content audits revealed lots duplicate content competing for search rankings, along with a lack of clear user flow for trip bookings. The way the site had been connected to their third-party booking system often caused users to miss critical information about a trip such as requirements, where to meet, or what to bring and wear. Addressing how users accessed key information became one of our priorities.  

An OOUX Process

Our team opted for using an object-oriented approach to defining the key content types of the website. How these objects relate to one another, and what attributes, metadata, and calls to action should be offered to users were addressed in this process.

After a bit of noun foraging to identify our system objects...

Reorganized menu
Trip Details


Instruction Pages
Location Pages